by titikfokus | Feb 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Fujifilm X-T1 – Penulis: Oik Yusuf – sumber Setelah informasinya sempat dibocorkan, Fujifilm akhirnya benar-benar memperkenalkan X-T1, kamera mirrorless bergaya retro yang dilengkapi kemampuan “tahan cuaca” alias weather sealing....
by titikfokus | Feb 12, 2015 | Event, Featured, Uncategorized
Call to all passionate FNers photographers! If you want to conquer your fear of shooting photography, meet other passionate photographers, and take your work to the next level, then come & join this photography workshop! This workshops is open to everyone who has...
by titikfokus | Feb 12, 2015 | Event, Featured, Uncategorized
TEMA: ART OF TALENT LOMBA FOTOGRAFI FTI ART Semakin banyaknya hobi fotografi dan mural yang berkembang di Yogyakarta, diadakanlah FTI ART. FTI ART terdiri dari Lomba Fotografi dan Lomba Mural. Harapan dalam kompetisi fotografi dan mural ini adalah bakat – bakat...
by titikfokus | Feb 12, 2015 | Event, Featured, Uncategorized
Ventura Management Proudly Present : Hunting Foto “Sexy Glamour & Casual Valentine Girls” Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015 Lokasi : Gedung PUSAT PENELITIAN KELAPA SAWIT (PPKS) Medan ( RISPA ) Jam : 14.00 – 18.00 wib with : Indah Nouchi, Nanda, Ekha HTM :...
by titikfokus | Feb 12, 2015 | Event, Featured
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